About Our Founder

Michelle Bulriss: Author, Illustrator, and Teacher

The best stories are born from uncomfortable beginnings…

To whoever is reading this: please know that I was scared to share this part of my story, but then I thought, “No! This is important and you are here because you recognize empathy is hard to teach without going through hard stuff...I can trust you with my story.”

I am a grateful, positive person, despite experiencing many terrible things. I have lost friends and loved ones.  I've experienced an abusive relationship and rape, both more than once. Through everything, I have still tried to grow and look on the bright side. No matter how dark the moment was, I will never take for granted the resilience I’ve been graced with, the ability to find growth opportunities in defeat, and the ability to find a bright side which, coincidentally, always shone light that revealed the way out. I love helping people and try to use these experiences to help other victims. 

My life is never boring…

Me in a nutshell? Wellllllll I am a crazy cross between: 

  • Hermione from Harry Potter: Proud nerd and bookworm (who could use a time turner if you happen to have one handy).

  • Jessica Day from New Girl: Charmingly awkward, quirky, and yes…singing to myself.

  • Throw in a little of Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec: The ultimate go-getter who cares more than anyone about the big things and the small things and everything in between…because at the root, we care about people.

  • Let’s not forget Snow White: (Aside from that both she and I learned to find deep empathy and kindness in our traumatic experiences) I am amazing with children and animals.

My goal is to save the world...which isn’t easy…

But hey, I like a challenge. After everything I’ve been through, I've basically had to become my own superhero. In college, I even got the nickname "Wonder Woman".  Whenever anyone needed me, I was there! Even as a little girl, my goal has always been to help others.

I have done a lot of extraordinary things: I've traveled to over 27 countries. I've been in a professional touring choir and have sung in places like Russia, China, and Italy. I even performed in the Vatican. 

Every moment of my life, good and bad, taught me to work hard as hell. I am passionate about everything I do and have worked so hard to become the strong person I am today.

After I developed Complex PTSD, I pushed myself to be a survivor. I became an advocate for mental health, education, and emotional intelligence.

Why? Because overcoming major setbacks taught me the true healing power of empathy.

Sharing lessons in empathy one children’s book at a time…

There were things we never talked about at home as a kid. Things that I recognize now that would have helped me as I navigated the murky waters in my young adult life. And as a giver, an advocate, a whimsical soul, and creative writer with perspective, I found my true passion and calling when I wrote my first children’s book. 

I’m so fortunate to now share that I am a published children's author and illustrator, plus I own a business like this that helps children develop empathy without having to wade through those same “murky waters.”

Loving, intelligent, funny human with a message to share…

I am a loving, intelligent, and funny woman who has had a lot of unique life experiences. I never have just one job (ha, far from it actually!).

I am an overachiever and graduated early from high school, college, and even grad school (all of them with honors). While going to school, I also worked multiple jobs, ran two-nonprofit organizations, volunteered for numerous charities, helped write and edit a law protecting victims of human trafficking, and conducted an exploratory study in Tanzania.

Both of my parents are teachers, so I naturally fell into that lifestyle with vigor! I have taught elementary school, middle school, and college students. I have worked for nonprofits and even the corporate offices of big start-up companies like Uber and Grubhub. I am an expert on topics like business, writing, nonprofit leadership and management, international and global studies, peace studies, education, child psychology, music, and mental health. 

I am an animal lover with 2 dogs (Daisy and Nala) and 3 cats (Bubbles, Jack, and Jazz). In my “free time,” I paint, craft, and play games (board games, video games, you name it, I play it).

I am far from perfect, but perfect isn’t the goal. I measure my myself in kindness, generosity, and empathy. I always do my best to help others and become a better person. I am excited to hear how my unique lens and storytelling can help you facilitate these important conversations with your children. Please reach out and write a review to let me know what you think!